How I’m Swimming Out of the Rip Tide of Suffering

Living in California means I have relatively easy access to renowned beaches. I say “relatively” because although the beaches are close when you count the miles, L.A. traffic makes the trip a bit more of a trek. I don’t lounge on the sandy shores often, but in the past month I’ve gone twice. Besides sharks, […]

When Memories Arise from Everyday Living

This week I was bitten by a dog. I won’t go into the specifics, so suffice to say, it really hurt. As I wailed on the floor of my house with a towel wrapped around my injured arm, I immediately thought, “Why am I crying? This doesn’t hurt nearly as much as giving birth!” That […]

Why I Hoard Keepsakes Since Becoming a Birthmother

A popular — and therefore, commercialized — activity for vacationers is to buy souvenirs. Tourists hunt for trophies from their favorite destinations to lug home for their left-behind family, friends or dog. Sometimes these mementos are displayed in the traveler’s own home, because he or she wants to remember the getaway through this token. Usually […]